Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo support the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness's transformation from policy think tank to civic platform administrator by broadening reach, with a special focus on educational transparency platform.
DescriptionTo support a convening of Parliamentary Monitoring Organizations to discuss advocacy strategies to set global norms for legislative transparency. The convening is organised by the National Democratic Institutes.
DescriptionTo support the Open Data Institute, an organisation working with companies and governments to build an open, trustworthy data ecosystem, where people can make better decisions using data and manage any harmful impacts.
DescriptionTo support the Open Government Partnership, an initiative launched in 2011 across 38 countries to ensure greater transparency of government and improved means for citizens of holding governments accountable.
DescriptionTo support the Personal Democracy Forum's creation of The DoTank, a news-blog/online hub for reporting and analysis on groups working globally on government transparency, anti-corruption, open data, and civic hacking.
DescriptionTo support the Praekelt Foundation's work on JoziHub, a technology hub in Johannesburg that seeks to catalyse the development of new technology ventures by creating an environment where social entrepreneurs, techies, and other stakeholders can interact.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeProgram Grant
DescriptionTo support SEATTI (the Southeast Asia Technology and Transparency Fund), a partnership between Omidyar Network and Hivos supporting technology-driven civil society organisations working on media and government transparency in Southeast Asia.
DescriptionTo support Buni Media, a Kenyan non-profit producing creative digital content challenging the country's socio-political status quo including the XYZ Show.
DescriptionTo support the African Media Initiative, a consortium of private media companies in Africa that are working together to improve the quality of journalism on the continent, improve business practices, and access more flexible capital for investment in media.
DescriptionTo sponsor an event in July 2011 for the 'Arab Techies', a network of technologists in the Middle East that fosters collaboration in the development of Internet and mobile applications.
DescriptionTo support activities related to Stanford's Center for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law and Haas Center for Public Service - specifically, an undergraduate seminar, several undergraduate fellowships, and an alumni network - all intended to develop talent and foster knowledge sharing in the Government Transparency area.
DescriptionTo support Co-Creation Hub, which seeks to bring together stakeholders from different walks of life to work collaboratively on solutions to social challenges facing Nigerian society. It operates Nigeria's first multi-functional, multi-purpose space for social entrepreneurs, and provides related services.
DescriptionTo support Civic Commons, which was incubated as a 2011 Code for America project and sponsored by the District of Columbia to help government agencies share code, best practices, and innovations in IT.
DescriptionTo support the Committee to Protect Journalists, promotes press freedom worldwide by defending the rights of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal.
DescriptionTo support Fundacion Ciudadano Inteligente, a non-profit in Chile that seeks to promote government transparency and accountability, using web and mobile technology to encourage active citizen participation and engagement in the political process.
DescriptionTo co-sponsor a one-day event in London in September 2011, themed Technology for Development, that showcases the role of technology in social change in the developing world.
Amount committed (US$)
For-profit figures not reported
Funding typeDebt: Other
DescriptionTo support MDIF, a non-profit mission-driven investment fund that supports primarily for-profit independent news outlets in countries with a history of media oppression.
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