
Terms of use

Last modified: 20 June 2022

Luminate is a global foundation working to ensure that everyone – especially those who are underrepresented - has the information, rights, and power to influence the decisions that shape society. The foundation is focused on enabling people to fully participate in civic and political life, to safely challenge power, and to access accurate, trustworthy information. Luminate works globally with a regional focus on Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It was established by philanthropists Pierre and Pam Omidyar and has worked for over a decade on issues related to governance and citizen engagement.

These terms of use set out the rules for using our website We refer to them as the terms for short.

In addition to these terms, you should also look at our privacy notice (which tells you about how we use your personal information) and our cookies notice (which tells you about the types of cookies we use, and how you can control these cookies).  

  1. Who we are and how to get in touch 
  2. Your acceptance of these terms 
  3. We may make changes 
  4. Availability of the website 
  5. Using the website 
  6. Website content 
  7. Links and social media plug-ins 
  8. What happens if you don’t follow the rules 
  9. The fine print  
  10. Questions or problems

1. Who we are and how to contact us

Luminate is made up of a group of companies in the UK and US, including Luminate Foundation Inc, Luminate Holdings LLC, Luminate Fund LLC, Luminate US Services LLC, Luminate UK Services Limited, and Luminate Projects Limited. Even though we work around the world and through different legal entities, we operate as one organisation.  

When we use the words we, us, and ours, we are referring to Luminate.  

Our contact details are below: 

London: 36-38 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8EB | Phone: +44 (0)207 729 9997 

Washington, DC: 1200 17th Street NW, Suite 501Washington, DC 20036 

Nairobi: The Piano - 8th floor, Brookside Drive, Westlands, P.O. Box 1093-00606, Nairobi

If you want to know more about these terms or Luminate overall, the best way to get in touch is to email: [email protected]  

2. Your acceptance of these terms

By using our website, you confirm that you accept these terms, and you agree to follow the rules. If you do not agree to these terms, then you should not use our website.  

3. We may make changes

We may change these terms from time to time and so we recommend you check them each time you visit the website. For example, we may need to update these terms to reflect changes in the relevant laws. If you wish to, you can print a copy of these terms and conditions for your records.  

We may also update and change the website from time to time. For example, we may implement minor technical adjustments to address a security threat, or we may add a section for new content.  

If there are any significant changes, we will place a notice on the website to draw your attention to this.  

4. Availability of the website

We cannot guarantee that the website, or any content on it, will always be available or uninterrupted. We may need to restrict access for business and operational reasons (for example, if we find an error and need to fix it).  

We will try to give notice if the website is not going to be available for an extended period of time.  

5. Using the website

You are responsible for your own device when accessing the website. We recommend you use virus protection software, where appropriate.  

You must not misuse the website by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful.  

The content on our site is provided for general information only. It is not intended to amount to advice on which you should rely. 

6. Website content

The website includes information and content about Luminate and our work. This content comes from us, partners, and experts in our fields of interest. We are passionate about the work we do, and so we would love for you to share content from our website. If you do share content, please give us credit. Where our content has been provided by someone else, for example a blog written by a partner, please also give them credit.  

Content for our website can only be used for the purposes of furthering work related to our mission. You cannot download, print, or otherwise use content from the website for any other reason without first checking with us. If you wish to use content from our website for other purposes, or have a question about the content you see, please get in touch using the details in section 1.  

7. Links and social media plug-ins

Sometimes we provide links to other websites and resources that we think you might find interesting. These links are provided for your information only, and we don’t intend for any such links to imply Luminate’s endorsement of the external content. We have no control over such external content. Other rules might apply to the use of such external content, so we recommend that you review the terms and conditions before using.  

8. What happens if you don’t follow the rules

If we reasonably believe that you have not followed the rules set out in the terms, we may revoke your access to the website (either temporarily or permanently). If we reasonably believe that your actions are sufficiently serious, we may disclose information about your actions to law enforcement authorities and / or take legal action to protect Luminate. 

9. The fine print

Below are a few more details that are usually in the fine print, but they’re nonetheless important. 

  • We try to keep the website up to date, but we cannot always do so and so we make no guarantee that the information on this website is accurate, complete, or up to date.  

  • The website is not for commercial or business use. Please note that we only provide this website for the purposes of furthering Luminate’s work and the work of our partners. You are not allowed to use this website for any commercial or business purposes, and we have no responsibility to you for any losses related to your business, such as lost profits, loss of data, or business interruption. 

  • Responsibility for loss or damage. If you break the rules set out in these terms you will only be responsible for damage or loss that could be reasonably predicted to arise from your breach. For example, if you introduce a virus or other malicious material, we expect you to cover the cost of rectifying the damage to our website. Similarly, if we break any of the rules set out in these terms, we will only be responsible for damage or loss that could be reasonably predicted to arise from our breach.  

  • We do not exclude or limit in any way our responsibility to you where it would be unlawful to do so. Under certain laws, for example consumer protection laws in the UK, there are certain types of responsibility that we cannot legally limit or exclude. This includes death or personal injury caused by our negligence (or the negligence of those working with us) or fraud.  

  • Digital Millennium Copyright Act Compliance. We respect the intellectual property rights of others and expect users of this website to do the same. Under 17 United States Code 512(c)(2) (Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998), our designated agent for notice of alleged copyright infringement appearing on the site is our General Counsel. Please address a notice to either our postal address in Washington DC (in section 1) or email the notice to [email protected]. Please note that if you file a notice of infringement with Luminate, we expect you to comply with the requirements set out in Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.  

  • Delays in taking action. Just because we may take time to respond if you fail to follow the rules set out in these terms does not mean that we agree with your actions, or that we will not take action in the future.  

  • Which law applies? This is an excellent question. We are primarily based in Washington D.C. and London, and so either the laws of the District of Columbia or the laws of England & Wales will apply. However, note that under UK consumer protection law, if you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland, you can also bring proceedings in your home jurisdiction.  

10. Questions or problems

If you have any questions or complaints about this website or Luminate overall, please get in touch using the details set out in section 1.  

If you are having technical difficulties with the website, please send an email to: [email protected] 

Version: 3

[June 2022]