The GFF (Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte / Society for Civil Rights) is a Berlin-based non-profit NGO founded in 2015. Its mission is to establish a sustainable structure for successful strategic litigation in the area of human and civil rights in Germany and Europe.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo support GFF's work to establish a sustainable structure for successful strategic litigation in the area of human and civil rights in Germany and Europe.
GFF (Gesellschaft f?r Freiheitsrechte) 2017 Grant
Data & Digital Rights
24 months
Area of work
Data & Digital Rights
Geographic focusEurope
Amount committed (US$)
24 months
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo support GFF, an organisation undertaking strategic litigation to support human and civil rights, with a focus on digital rights.
US$ 550,000
We recognise your right to privacy. Therefore, we limit the collection of personal data and strive to work only with organisations that do the same. We will never use your data for any other reason than the one you provided it for – and we will never pass it on without your permission.